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Hire Apache Solr Developer

Apache Solr is an open source search platform that helps create search engines for websites, database and files. A computer engineer who is well-versed with the Apache Solr platform is known as an Apache Solr developer.

What Apache Solr Developers Do?

Apache developers design the architecture and schema for the Solr platform. They undertake Solr installation, configuration and integration. They also develop the platform keeping in mind the current and the future volume and thus ensure that the platform is scalable. They also design the architecture in a manner that makes it easy for disaster recovery and replication. They also help migrate to Solr from other search engines or move from Solr to other platforms. They may also use Solr-based, big data platforms such as Cloudera, Hortonworks and MapR to use bid data for furthering the client’s business.

Apache Solr is also extremely popular with e-commerce and merchandising. Hence, Apache developers can also provide many services in the Solr e-commerce space such as data preparation to optimize indexing and quality of service, search result analysis and tuning, performance tuning and load testing, integrating existing platforms and e-commerce as well as search information reporting and analysis.

There are many developers who offer freelance Apache Solr development services and these professionals can be found on top freelance marketplaces like Guru.

If you wish to hire a developer for Apache, make sure your freelancer can:

  • Set up SolrCloud and Load balance.

  • Configure multiple Solr cores under Linux/Windows.

  • Design, construct and develop Search and Big Data solutions using Solr.

  • Custom Solr plugins, like SearchComponents, FunctionQueries and RequestHandlers.

  • Promote search results, issue searches and boost queries.

  • Process, resolve and index large data from open source database such as PostgreSQL.

  • Automate SolrCloud setup.

  • Improve performance and scalability of an existing Solr implementation.

  • Implement spatial search solutions, like LocalSolr.

  • Engineer and execute quality checks of datasets produced with indexed data.

Qualifications Needed by Apache Solr Developers

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following skills:

  • Professional education in software development or related discipline

  • Relative experience in Cloudera Search, Apache Lucene/Solr 7, Elastic Search or Microsoft FAST search engines

  • Strong knowledge on Analyzers, Tokenizers

  • Experience in facet querying

  • Experience in SOLR querying and Indexing

  • Experience in highly scalable tools like Kafk, Spark and Aerospike

  • Strong analytical and debugging skills

  • Object oriented design skills and knowledge of design patterns

When looking at hiring freelance Apache Solr development services, make sure to have a look at their portfolio and conduct a thorough evaluation of their previous jobs.

Benefits of Apache Developer

Freelancer developers stay up to date with the latest technological developments themselves and apply them to improve their skills and products. They also take on the project from inception to completion.

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Once a Freelancer has been hired, a WorkRoom is created for the job on Guru. Use WorkRooms to communicate with your Freelancers and team members, keep track of work, upload files and manage multiple jobs easily. 

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