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How Articulate Studio Professionals Can Help You

Articulate studio is a commercial tool suite comprised of three software product tools: Presenter, Engage, and Quizmaker. Articulate was founded in 2002 by Adam Schwartz with the hope of creating new tools to conduct e-learning. The company now has over 115,000 clients in 115 countries around the world. Some big name clients would include: Microsoft, Google, and Ford Motor Company. With its many product tools, articulate studio is truly engaged in the betterment of business and has 5 goals to help achieve this. Help training happen, create e-learning content that is effective and costs less, empower everyone with e-learning, get everyone to work together to effectively solve a strategy, and give rapid e-learning tools so you can focus creating content.

With the advancement of many different programs and the complexity of designing different products, it can be a bit overwhelming for your employees to keep up. In order to keep up with the work and create excellent content, as a business you may need to choose a program to assist you in helping your employees create content. Articulate studio is the perfect program that will fit your business’s needs, while making it easy to understand. Articulate studio is an all in one program that compromise of easy e-learning and a quick pace to allow for your employees to focus on creating content. For more assistance on finding Articulate Studio or how it works, contact anyone of our freelancers for hire at

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