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Top ASP.NET Programmers

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Find Freelance ASP.NET Developers for Your Projects

ASP.NET is a web-based application developed to build dynamic web pages like websites, web applications and web services. ASP.NET programmers are also referred to as ASP developers and their basic task is to write an ASP.NET program.

What Does an ASP.NET Programmer or Developer Do?

An ASP.NET developer designs, modifies, develops, writes and implements software programming applications and components; supports and/or installs software applications and components; works from written specifications and pre-established guidelines to perform the functions of the job and maintains documentation of process flow. ASP developers create a web based software using computer programming languages such as VB.NET, C# and MySQL. Many professionals now provide online freelance services and work on project basis.

If you wish to hire a freelance ASP.NET developer, make sure they can:

  • Develop, maintain and support computer programs and processes in the Database.

  • Develop, design, test, maintain and support custom mobile and web applications.

  • Write high-quality code to meet client requirements.

  • Perform complex programming, designing and analysis to meet business requirements.

  • Research and trouble-shoot problems related to computer programs and processes in the production and testing environments.

  • Develop documentation for computer programs and processes in accordance with standards of department and organization.

Qualifications of ASP.NET Programmers

When hiring a developer, choose one that has:

  • Professional education in Information Technology or any related field.

  • Advanced skills in writing database scripts, stored procedures, functions, triggers and ISS packages.

  • Knowledge of current programming technology such as C#.NET, ASP.NET, SQL and Microsoft operating systems.

  • Experience in coding, designing and testing new web software applications and window applications.

Other than the above, experience with languages and frameworks like HTML, JavaScript, SQL would be helpful.

Benefits of Hiring Freelance ASP.NET Developers

There are a number of ASP.NET programmers and developers who are looking to get freelance projects. The benefits of hiring a freelancer are:

  • They charge a more reasonable amount than an agency.

  • When you are looking to complete a large volume of work, dividing the work among freelancers is more advantageous.

Find and hire talented ASP.NET developers on Guru, and post a job for free.

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