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Hire Freelance Back End Developers

Back-end development is server-side development and refers to the activities that take place in the background when any action is performed on a website. A back end web development specialist is known as a back end developer, and their job is to focus on the development of scripting, databases, and architecture of websites. Developers write a code that enables communication between the database, browser, and other involved systems required to complete such back-end actions. If your business requires web or application development, you can hire a back-end developer to create a seamless online experience for your users.

What Is Back End Development and What Does a Freelance Backend Developer Do?

Freelance backend developers begin by understanding goals of the application or website and create effective solutions for the same. These freelance experts are basically software developers who create and maintain the complete back-end of a system. This system may be comprised of core application logic, data and application integration, databases, and APIs. Top back-end developers develop and maintain the core functional logic and operations of an application or website. Back-end developers' primary role is to ensure that the services and/or data requested by the application or front-end system are delivered in a programmatic manner. Back-end developers range of services also includes conducting tests and debugging the back-end system.

If you require a back end mobile app development or web development expert for your business, you can hire backend developers online. Before you hire a developer, you need to ensure that the backend developers:

  • Can manage API resources that work across different devices

  • Can participate in the system architecture development process

  • Can organize system logic that runs across different devices

  • Can store data and display it to the relevant user

  • Can build architecture or frameworks for simplification of software engineering

Qualifications of Backend Developer Talent

Whether it is back end mobile app development or web development, you should expect the following qualifications when you hire expert freelance developers.

  • Working knowledge of server-side programming languages like Python, Java, .Net, and Ruby among others

  • Ability to implement algorithms and solve system-related issues

  • Proficiency in working with development languages, server, database, cache, and API (SOAP & REST)

  • In-depth knowledge of DBMS technologies including MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle, Redis, MongoDB among others

  • In-depth knowledge of caching systems such as Memcached, Varnish, and Redis.

  • Extensive exposure in handling Microsoft IIS, IIS Servers, Apache, and Nginx

  • Experience in Linux is beneficial in administering servers

When searching for backend developer talent, you will want to ask lots of questions and review developer profiles to ensure that you hire a developer that best meets your project needs.

Benefits of Hiring Back-End Developers

There are a variety of benefits that come from hirng back-end developers. Backend developers for hire can ensure that your project gets completed successfully and offer additional services.

  • Developers write codes that add utility to whatever is developed by a front-end designer

  • Developers can create a server-side application that directly interacts with the database through an API and pulls, changes, and saves data

  • Developers ensure that data is returned and transformed into front-end code with which the users interact (shopping online or filling a form)

Guru Tip:

Choose from four payment terms (hourly, fixed price, task-based or recurring), and work the way you want. Find and hire top backend developers on our online freelance marketplace, Guru. 

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