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Big Data Engineering Services for Hire

Big Data is a collection of vast and complex data sets, mainly from new sources. These data sets are so intense in their volumes that traditional data processing software are incapable of managing them. Big data is defined by the three Vs of big data, i.e., variety, volume, and velocity. Big data processes high volumes of unstructured, low-density data. This data can be of unknown value and can come from a variety of sources such as social media, business sanctions, and information from sensors and machines. Some organizations may have terabytes of data, for others, it could be several petabytes of data.

You can hire a freelance big data engineer from the best online platforms for researching and analyzing complex data on a regular basis in your business.

What Is a Big Data Engineer?

Big Data Engineers are professionals who work on collecting, storing, processing and analyzing huge sets of data. They focus on choosing optimal solutions to use for these purposes, then maintaining, implementing, and monitoring them. Organizations can hire expert freelancers for integrating these processes with the architecture used across the company.

They are tasked with building massive big data reservoirs and highly scalable and fault-tolerant distributed systems that can inherently store and process massive volumes or rapidly changing data streams. They are also responsible for developing, constructing, testing, and maintaining frameworks like large-scale data processing systems and databases. Once data flow is achieved from these pools of filtered information, data engineers can then incorporate the required data from their analysis. Data Managers are professionals who are involved in the organizing and maintaining of data processes to meet ongoing information lifecycle needs.

You can find big data engineering services for hire on, one of the best online freelancing platforms. Before you hire a freelance big data engineer, do ensure that the professional: -

  • Can select and integrate any Big Data tools and frameworks

  • Can implement an ETL process

  • Can monitor performance and advising on infrastructure changes

  • Has a proficient understanding of distributed computing principles

  • Has good knowledge of Big Data querying tools, such as Pig, Hive, and Impala

  • Proficiency with Hadoop v2, MapReduce, HDFS

Qualification of Big Data Engineer

  • Bachelor’s in Big Data engineering/Computer Science and its equivalent field

  • Hands-on experience in Big Data ML toolkits, such as Mahout, SparkML, or H2O

  • Knowledge of various frameworks and ETL techniques, such as Flume

Benefits of Hiring Big Data Engineer

  • They will create a systematic analysis of data or data profiling, which will be helpful in assessing the overall health of the data. This analysis will lead to proper business decisions in accordance with the present situation.

  • They will allow your company to collect trillions or billions of real-time data points for your products, resources, or customers- and then repackage the data instantaneously to optimize the customer experience.

  • They will update the data very quickly using big data technologies. This will allow your business to accurately respond to customer demands in a timely manner.

  • They will be effectively working on a Search-Engine that can retrieve lots of data from different databases in fractions of seconds using big data technologies.

Guru Tip:

Before you hire a Freelancer online on Guru, see their All-Time Transaction Data to get a better understanding of their credibility, performance, and suitability for your job. All-time transaction data along with information on services and portfolio showcased by the Freelancer helps Employers make the right hiring decision on Guru. 

Find the right Big Data Engineering Freelancer on the freelance portal, Guru, by posting a job for free.

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