Board Game Designers

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Hire Board Game Designers

A board game designer is a professional who uses his creativity, imagination and design skills to create board games. They work in collaboration with artists, writers and others to create the board, rules, game, box art and pieces.

What Do Board Game Designers Do?

A board game designer conceptualizes the theme of the game and then develops the mechanics around it. After working out the mechanics, the board game designer then makes the game’s prototype – which could be made with rough, hand-drawn paper images and boards. They play the game several times to ensure that there isn’t a loophole and there is a natural progression in the game. They conduct player tests with others to check player interests and whether or not they would buy such a game. Based on their test audience’s suggestions, they tweak the game and incorporate some changes. After the trial runs are completed and the game is finalized, they work with an artist or design the aesthetics of the game board and then pitch it to investors.

A board game designer uses his imagination skills to plan each and every aspect of the game, including settings, rules, story flows, characters and even modes of play. They bring to life an idea and develop a story, plays, dialogues and environments around that idea to engage the players. Game designers don many hats – they are storytellers, artists and designers. They not only have the vision to conceptualize the game in all its elements, but also be equipped to design the layout and aesthetics of the board game.

Most of the board game designers are gaming experts who are passionate about board games themselves and they could belong to any profession. They could be engineers, or even doctors, who like to create board games in their free time. At times, board game designers may be associated with a particular company; though most of them work as freelance board game designers. These freelancers can be found in a freelance marketplace company like Guru.

If you are looking to hire board game designer, make sure your freelancer can:

  • Write design documents, create level layouts and storyboards.

  • Run design review meetings for features and systems.

  • Document and communicate gameplay mechanics and features.

  • Create innovative game designs and oversee their completion.

  • Study and understand games in the market and assess market trends.

  • Contribute to design brainstorms and ideation.

  • Design, tweak and optimize the player experience.

Qualifications of a Board Game Designer

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following skills:

  • Passion for board game

  • Ability to provide visual designs with mock-ups

  • Detail oriented

  • Patient and hardworking

  • Strong interpersonal and negotiation skills

When looking for a freelance board game designer, make sure they have a thorough understanding of the multiple aspects of game design, like the concept, progression of the game, game interfaces, monetization and retention.

Benefits of Freelance Board Game Designers

They are passionate individuals who are creative and innovative and have an ability to think out of the box; skills that are mirrored in their ideas. They are avid board game players themselves and thus, plan the game keeping the players in mind.  

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