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Hire Freelance CAD Modeling Services

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Modeling is a technique using which realistic computer models of components and assemblies are designed. It is primarily used by designers and engineers for designing parts of heavy machinery, power tools, and automobiles. These 3D CAD models are used for 3D printing, CNC machining, or for running complex simulations. There are different types of CAD modeling such as solid modeling, surface modeling, and sculpting. Solid Modeling uses processes similar to actual manufacturing processes to create 3D models of machines. It also encompasses assembly modeling where individual parts are assembled to create a machine. Surface Modeling is done to visualize the surface features of a machine, which includes contours and geometry. Sculpting is used for products which have a lot of intricate details such as jewelry and statues. If you wish to use the techniques of CAD modeling for designing your products, you can consider CAD modeling for hire on the top freelance marketplaces.

What Do CAD Modeling Experts Do?

CAD Modeling Experts use a variety of CAD software to create accurate 3D models of machinery and other products. The most commonly used software is SolidWorks, but AutoCAD and Fusion360 are also widely used by 3D modelers. CAD Experts work for architects, engineers, artists, game designers, and manufacturers to create 3D models based on their specifications. CAD software can also perform complex geometrical calculations required for creating the model. This ensures accuracy, precision, and detail in the final design. CAD Modeling Experts create virtual reality objects that have the same properties as physical objects such as physical and optical properties, material, weight, and size. This allows engineers to ensure that the product design is favorable for use in the industry before the actual manufacturing processes begin.

If you wish to create 3D CAD models of your product concepts, it is best to go for CAD modeling for hire. Before you opt for the online freelance services of CAD experts, you need to ensure that the person has:

  • Knowledge of the various manufacturing processes such as extrusion, drilling, and threading

  • Awareness of normal product materials, sizes, and designs, and can guide the client to choose the best features for the model

  • Capability to assemble individual parts to create an entire 3D model and can run complex simulations on the model

Qualifications of CAD Modeling Experts

Expert CAD Modelers can help you design accurate and detailed parts and models before they move on to the production stage. Here are some qualifications you should look for before hiring a CAD expert:

  • Professional education and training in engineering technology, computer-aided design technology, and manufacturing processes

  • Familiarity with CAD software such as SolidWorks, AutoCAD, SketchUp, Solid Edge, PTC Creo, 3DS Max, and Rhino

  • Extensive portfolio of several machine components designed and assembled using CAD for different clients

Benefits of Freelance CAD Modeling Services

Hire freelancers on Guru to get your work done and they can:

  • Create virtual models of your product ideas to understand how it will behave in the real world

  • Perform assembly modeling to ensure perfect fit of parts and the ability of the final product to withstand external forces

  • Identify any limitations of the product before it moves on to the manufacturing stage

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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