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How CakePHP Professionals Can Help You

Programming has made provisions for individuals who are not able to use a specific program to integrate it into their works. This feature can be found in numerous computer application developments. This is including software applications such as Android and CSS (to name a few). CakePHP is a framework used to develop PHP easily without a full knowledge of PHP programming. The program is an open-source framework licensed and distributed by MIT. CakePHP was first developed by Michal Tatarynowicz, a Polish programmer. A CakePHP programmer is able to assist on a freelance basis from

CakePHP provides an easy and fast means of build web applications using PHP. The platform requires very minimal coding requirements to use and powers all PHP frameworks for a flexible database creation and management. It provides a powerful scaffold that supports complex and small systems. CakePHP is embedded with tools for the validation of inputs, protection of form from being tampered, prevention of SQL injection, and the prevention of XSS which is useful in securing your application and data. It provides full and standard support for commercial applications. CakePHP uses scaffolding features and code generation which enables rapid development of application prototypes. You can hire a freelancer on Guru who is ready to help with your next project in CakePHP, today!

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