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Hire Catalog Designers

A Catalog is a small booklet which contains promotional material or information regarding products and services, mostly used for the purpose of advertisement. Catalog designers help create brochures and catalogs to promote products and services of various businesses. The customer demands product information from all retailers. E-commerce merchants must meet these expectations if they want a foothold in this fierce competition. Hence, an appealing eCommerce catalog design plays a vital role in making your promotion a hit and in grooming your corporate image in the market. You can hire freelance catalog designers to improve your image and create greater visibility of your product or service. The right designer will work within your budget, and create a custom catalog design as per the specific information of your business, product or services. A printed catalog is undoubtedly a powerful communication medium, but interactive catalog is the real sales tool. You can embed technical data sheets of your products, demonstration videos, or even links of your online shop in the interactive catalog. An interactive catalog design will make the reading/viewing experience more enjoyable, and will become a more efficient marketing support for your products.

What Do Catalog Designers Do?

A catalog designer is often confused with a brochure designer, but brochure designers design brochures that are more concise than a catalog. They do not list all products/services that are being offered. An attractive catalog requires a creative expert. Good catalog designers will know the best approach to communicate your products and services to your customers. They have the skills to design extremely appealing catalogs by using visual concepts, computer software, or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They develop the production design and overall layout for applications, such as advertisements, magazines, and reports. Leaving the job to an amateur may result in a bad quality catalog, which will bring negative consequences: waste of time and money, and, worse, weakening of the company’s image. Ensure that your freelancer can:

  • Hold discussion with clients to determine the scope of a project.

  • Create designs by using digital illustration, photo editing, and layout software.

  • Develop visual elements such as logos, original images and illustrations to help deliver a message.

  • Design layouts, including selection of colors, images, and typefaces.

  • Revise designs as per changes recommended by clients or art directors for final designs.

  • Recheck designs for errors before printing or publishing them.

If you wish to hire a catalog designer for your company, you can connect with catalog designer for hire available online, or any online freelance website that may provide this skill set. In order to have a good freelance hire, please ensure the below mentioned key skills for a good catalog designer.

Qualification for Catalog Designers

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following:

  • Bachelor’s degree in graphic design or other fine art and design base subject

  • Knowledge in Computer Aided Designs to illustrate designs

Benefits of Freelance Catalog Designers

A number of clients have an idea of what they want their business materials to look like, but have no way to convey them. A good catalog designer can help your business in following ways:

  • The end results will not only look the way you want it to, but will also help you to attain the targets you set out for your business materials.

  • The advanced designing skills of a good designer can certainly contribute in showcasing your products in the best possible manner, meeting your aesthetic requirements.

  • Catalogs are graphic representations of the business and the characteristic values of a company. A good designer will convey these to the customer in an elegant manner.

There are several catalog designers for hire, offering online services on some of the best websites to hire freelancers, like Guru. These professionals have the experience of working as freelance Catalog designers with a variety of clients, helping them expand their business in E-commerce.

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