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How Charitable Trusts Professionals Can Help You

A charitable trust is a trust that is not tax exempt, all its unexpired interests are devoted to one or more charitable purposes, and for which a charitable contribution deduction was allowed under a specific section of the Internal Revenue Code. Basically, a charitable trust allows a donor to set assets aside for one or more charities. There are two different types of charitable split-interest trusts—charitable remainder trusts (CRTs) and charitable lead trusts (CLTs). With a CRT, you donate certain assets to the trust, which makes at least an annual payout back to you or to another non-charitable beneficiary for the term of the trust. A CLT makes the annual payout to the charity first. After a set time, the trust terminates and the remainder goes to a non-charitable beneficiary, like a family member or family trust. A charitable trust is not treated as a charity organization for taxes. So, the trust is subject to tax on its investment income under the rules that apply to taxable foundations rather than those that apply to tax-exempt foundations. However, a charitable trust enjoys a varying degree of tax benefits in most countries. It also generates good will.

Using charitable trusts could offer you flexibility and control over your charitable contributions while helping you fulfill your philanthropic goals, helping with estate planning and tax management, and giving a valuable gift in a tax friendly way. Or the trust could simply help you donate in the most efficient, convenient way possible for you and your beneficiary. Whatever your goals, it’s in your best interest to take full advantage of the charitable trust systems and tax privileges. At, we have expert charitable trust freelance advisors for hire who have the required knowledge to help you. You can rest easy knowing that in their hands your charitable donation will go smoothly and easily. You can get in contact with our pro Gurus from around the world today for a consultation.

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