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Find Freelance Chrome Extension Developers for Your Projects

Chrome Extensions are tools that enable customizing of your browsing experience on Chrome browser. It involves tailoring the Chrome functionality and behaviour as per individual needs or preferences. Extensions are handy tools that enable users to perform multiple tasks with less effort and time. They are built on web technologies such as HTML, JavaScript, and CSS and are made in a way that solves user purpose and are easy to use.

Extensions do not depend on content from the web and are distributed through the Chrome Developer Dashboard and published to the Chrome Web Store. If you are looking for Google Chrome Extension development, you must hire expert freelancers. For freelance Chrome Extension Developers, you can visit Guru, an online hiring website to find an expert for your project.

What Does a Chrome Extension Developer Do?

Chrome Extension Developers are professionals who are responsible for designing, coding and deploying Google Chrome Extensions. They understand the project requirements and as per their expertise in UI and Chrome browser, they make the extensions. They have to make sure that the Google Chrome Extensions developed are understood easily by the users. One can hire Magento Extension Developers for customizing the business website made on Magento, as per the brands requirements.

These extension developers update the clients through various stages of the project and transition to support the organization. Freelance chrome web browser experts also work on security threats for the business and ensure that such issues are properly solved.

You can find freelance Chrome Extension Developers on Guru, one of the best online hiring websites. Before you hire Chrome Extension Developers, do ensure that the professional:

  • Has a good understanding of Google Chrome Extension Development, Ajax, jQuery UI, CSS, JavaScript and cross-browser compatibility.
  • Understands general web functions and standards.
  • Knows Enterprise applications or Enterprise product development.

Qualification of Chrome Extension Developers

  • Master’s/Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science Engineering / Information Technology / Computer Applications / Software Engineering or any of its equivalent.
  • Prior experience with Google Chrome Extension & Plug-in development.
  • Hands-on experience with Chrome Web Store.

Benefits of Hiring Chrome Extension Developer

  • They will provide you with extension tools that will assist you in BAUs and help employees in excelling their performance while meeting the company’s standards. They will work on numerous custom-made and third-party extensions, to add better features for your employees, fix the problem or to boost performance.
  • They will work on improving the functionality of the browser by making it more personalized while introducing new features to it. As per the requirement, they may modify existing program behavior in order to keep it convenient for users.
  • They will work on meeting your business preferences by customizing the Chrome browser and avert from using traditional or separate apps that are no longer productive.

Start searching for Chrome Extension developers, and post your job on Guru today.

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