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Hire Freelance CMS Developers

CMS or Content Management System is a database driven technology solution through which pages can be published on a website. It is a software through which content can be created, modified, managed and published online. With the help of CMS, users can not only write content but also control how it will look on a web page. A CMS forms the backend of a dynamic website which consists of thousands of pages and which is jointly managed by a large number of people. Typically, CMS is required for managing websites like ecommerce portals, blogs, online publications, and web service portals. If your company is involved in publishing online content on a regular basis, you can hire CMS website developers to help you make your publishing work easier.

What Do CMS Developers Do?

CMS developers build content management systems for powering various types of websites. They can either create a bespoke CMS solution or customize CMS platforms like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal to create desired pages. CMS developers begin by carefully analyzing your requirements and suggesting the optimal choice of technology platform for your project. Once this is approved by your web designer, your CMS developer will get to work in building a content management system for your web pages. In most cases, CMS developers go for open source solutions using third-party plugins or applets to create the desired set of functionalities. They also help in migrating content and user data from an existing system to a new CMS solution. Once your CMS system is ready, your web developer will provide in-depth training to your staff in order to help them get acquainted with the solution.

There are several expert CMS developers who offer their online freelance services on some of the top freelance marketplaces. Before you hire a CMS developer on one of these platforms, you need to ensure that the person has:

  • Ability to understand the business perspective of building a software solution.

  • Good knowledge of various software platforms such as WordPress and Joomla, and database management systems.

  • Expertise in customizing CMS platforms using server side technologies.

  • Several years of experience in working as a CMS developer for various clients.

Qualifications of CMS Developers

While you hire a CMS website developer, it is vital to ensure that your freelancer has the skills and expertise necessary for your project. For example, a simple blog website and an ecommerce system are two very different types of projects in terms of complexity and scale. Here are some of the qualifications that can guide you in choosing the best person for your project:

  • Strong knowledge of PHP, Java, Python and other server technologies

  • Familiarity with the various CMS such as WordPress, ExpressionEngine, TextPattern, Cushy CMS, and Silver Stripe

  • Ability to envision and create optimal user experience on web pages

  • Extensive portfolio of several different content management systems built for various clients

Benefits of Freelance CMS Developers

Hire CMS developers to get your work done and they can help you:

  • Build a suitable CMS solution relevant to your business and website.

  • Upgrade your current CMS to suit your preferences.

  • Troubleshoot technical issues that may arise with your CMS.

Guru Tip:

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