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How Color Management Professionals Can Help You

Color management in photography determines the final quality of printed material. A good graphic designer is often conscious of the colors that are used when he is designing material. The two well-known color palettes are the CMYK and the RGB. The CMYK color palette consist of four colors namely cyan, magenta, yellow and black, while RGB consists of three colors namely Red, Green and Blue. RGB is great for designs that are to be seen on the screen, such as soft copies and web pages, while the CMYK is best for commercial printing. The graphic designer, depending on if the graphic is to be printed or viewed on screen, are able to select the best color combinations to bring out the best printing results. Color management experts can be hired, as freelancers, on Guru.

A color management expert works at different levels of designing a material. On the one hand, the graphic designer is expected to create the drawing, having in mind the end use of the material (printed or onscreen uses). If it is to be printed in commercial quantity, there is the color separator who either separates the color on film or plates, prior to printing. It is this film and plate that is sent to the printing press where the color is separated printing on paper one after the other, till the result is obtained. Most DeskJet printers, however also print using the RGB color mixture, while most LaserJet printers, print using the CMYK color mixture. Getting a good color management expert is therefore vital in printing press and other publishing houses, for the best result. You will find skilled color management freelancers on Hire the pro you need today.

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