Concept Artists

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Hire Professional Freelance Concept Artists

A concept artist is a designer who specializes in visualizing and creating art for a wide range of creative assets including characters, environments, creatures, and other fields. Concept artists visualize ideas that are used by VFX teams, animators, modelers, and prepared for production. Concept artists use software applications, pencil, and/or paint to draw graphics or environments required for a project. If your business requires new visual concepts, you can hire a remote concept artist for unique ideas or to bring your ideas to life through artwork. Concept artists for hire offer their online freelance services on the top freelance marketplaces and they will be able to help you with your project requirements.

What Do Freelance Concept Artists Do?

Hire concept artists who are primarily involved in drawing concept images for artwork in different mediums like print ads, video games, and online advertisements. They paint different types of artwork including environments, characters, architecture, and things based on client requirements. The artwork can also be created on a specific brand image or style requirement. They may either think of the concept by themselves or work closely with concept developers to define the theme of the artwork required. Apart from these, they may also design specification sheets that display all the important dimensions. These spec sheets can then be used by other collaborators like animators. They present their ideas by designing presentation packages that display pieces of concept art. This allows sharing the concept with other team members.

If you require a creative concept artist for hire for your personal or professional projects, you can go for experts online. Before you hire a remote concept artist, you need to ensure that the person:

  • Is capable of using drawing, animation, illustration, and modeling skills to create art

  • Is highly imaginative and can come up with innovative ideas for different types of artwork

  • Has several years of experience in working as a concept artist and doing justice to both personal and professional projects

Qualifications of Freelance Concept Artists

A concept artist is a highly creative professional. When looking to hire expert freelancers online, you should consider the following qualifications so that you can achieve your goals from their services.

  • Excellent drawing and visualization skills and preferably, a degree in art

  • Familiarity with a wide range of software for creating art such as Corel Painter, Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Designer, and Graphiter among others

  • Ability to work with different visual mediums

  • Extensive portfolio of several pieces of concept art developed for different clients

Benefits of Hiring Freelance Concept Artists

  • They can transform your briefing into ideas and visuals.

  • They can create visuals for a wide range of purposes including gaming, film & video production, graphic designing, animation, advertising, print publication, and interior design and décor.

  • Their services may be required in fields as wide-ranging as architecture and web designing.

Guru Tip:

Before you hire a Freelancer online on Guru, see their All-Time Transaction Data to get a better understanding of their credibility, performance, and suitability for your job. All-time transaction data along with information on services and portfolio showcased by the Freelancer helps Employers make the right hiring decision on Guru. 

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