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Hire Core PHP Developers

PHP is a language used for web development. It is a language which is used to build a website with dynamic pages and applications. It can also be used to create static websites. PHP scripts can be interpreted on a server which has PHP installed in them. PHP Development services help businesses to be on par with their competitors. Many popular websites like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo and Wikipedia are built with PHP. There are many reasons for its popularity, one of them being it’s easily accessibility. It also doesn’t require too much configuration on its servers.

What Are the responsibilities of a PHP Developer?

Growth is the key parameter for any upcoming or existing business.  Businesses hire PHP developers for web and application development. They experts ensure that the application’s performance is as expected, and the site is stable. These professionals can be further classified as software developers or web developers. PHP Developers write server-side web application logic.  Their work includes using PHP software programming language for building website framework, content management on the web and designing web template systems.

They help to protect websites from targeted security attacks. They simplify web application maintenance. Web Application Development work speeds up when the concerned person is a PHP Developer.  They perform the testing of units in website development or application development to make it more efficient. They work with databases more efficiently. The best way to get these services for your business is by hiring freelance core PHP development services. is one of the best platforms to get freelance work online.

When you hire core PHP Developers, or freelance core PHP development services ensure that your freelancer can:

  • Use frameworks to build service-side software.

  • Analyze and compile codes and processes.

  • Work jointly with front-end developers.

  • Write optimized SQL queries.

Qualifications of a PHP Developer

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following skills:

  • Expertise in PHP web frameworks

  • Basic understanding of front-end technologies

  • Relevant experience with back-end web development

  • Experience of using programming languages like HTML, Python or Java

  • Bachelor’s or Master’s in Computer Science, Engineering or a similar field

  • Experience in using version controls such as GitHub

  • Excellent analytical, mathematical and problem-solving skills

Benefits of Hiring PHP Development Experts

Hire freelancers to get your work done and they can:

  • Monitor the interchange of data between a server and users.

  • Integrate the front-end elements at the client’s side into the application.

  • Lead the entire web application development lifecycle right from the concept stage to delivery and post-launch support.

  • Use test-driven development and acceptance tests to ensure feature quality.

  • Prepare and maintain all applications utilizing standard development tools.

Guru Tip:

Hourly, fixed price, task-based or recurring. Choose from four Payment terms and work the way you want. Find and hire top Core PHP Development freelancers on our online freelance marketplace Guru. 

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