Cover Artists

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Hire Freelance Cover Artists

Cover artists conceptualize the design of a book cover and create appropriate illustrations to make the book more attractive. Creative illustrations and graphics on the book cover serve as an extremely important factor in encouraging people to read the book. Books may belong to many genres like romance, action, horror, thrillers, family drama, fantasy, science fiction, non-fiction, children’s books, autobiographies, historical romance and erotic stories. Cover art makers grasp the gist of the story and its genre, and design an appropriate cover page for the book that encompasses the major theme of the story or discourse. Other pieces of work where cover art artists are involved include covers of music albums.

What Cover Art Artists Do?

Cover art makers create striking, imaginative, creative, realistic and relevant illustrations for the covers of books and albums. Book cover art is especially challenging, as people often look at the graphics or illustrations and decide whether or not to read the book. There are several design software and online tools such as Canva, that make it easier to use stock photos for designing covers; however, designers need to use their discretion as these may not always be appropriate. Professional cover art requires that the cover art makers use their own original ideas and concepts while illustrating the cover. The use of vibrant colors, unique perspectives, and realistic human and animal figures add to a high level of creativity in book cover art.

If you are in the process of publishing your own book, you might want to hire a freelancer online for designing your book cover. However, you need to ensure that your freelancer is:

  • Sufficiently experienced in graphic designs and illustrations.

  • Skilled to conceptualize and create unique designs for your book cover.

  • Capable of grasping the theme, tone and style of writing of the book, and can design the cover to reflect these things appropriately.

Qualifications of Cover Art Artists

It is ideal that your freelancer has:

  • A graduate degree in art, with a particular focus on graphics and illustrations.

  • Extremely capable in creating visually striking hand-drawn concepts and drawings.

  • Knowledge of the commonly used design software and familiarity with its tools and features in creating designs.

  • An extensive portfolio of cover art designs and illustrations created for previous publications.

Benefits of Freelance Cover Art Artists

A lot of writers and publishers now prefer to hire freelancers from some of the top freelance marketplaces to illustrate and design their book and album covers. They have the experience of working with several different clients for their illustration and design needs, and they are capable of creating stunning art work for your book covers.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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