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Hire Freelance Cross Platform Developers

Cross platform development refers to the development of software products and solutions for different environments and platforms. This practice is important in the current scenario due to the increase in the number of software environments and operating systems. In order to target the maximum number of consumers for a software product, it is important that the product is compatible with most of the commonly used platforms. For example, software that is compatible with Microsoft, Apple and Linux operating systems is more likely to be adopted by the masses rather than a product which works on one operating system only. One limitation of cross platform development is that it can make software less efficient in terms of requiring more storage or following redundant processes. Despite this drawback, people adopt cross platform development to increase the target audience for their product. If you wish to hire cross platform app developers for your software solutions, you can check out Guru, one of the best online freelance sites.

What Does a Cross Platform Developer Do?

Cross Platform Developers use different strategies to make software products compatible with various operating environments. One way is to use sub-tree files to fit the software to different operating systems. Another strategy is to compile separate versions of the software to function in different environments. Often, Cross Platform Developers use Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to adjust software for different platforms. They work closely with mobile app developers to understand their product requirements and devise the best strategy for cross platform development. These Developers are well versed with cross platform development tools such as Adobe PhoneGap, Xamarin, and React Native. They use these tools to write their codes making sure that their product will function on any platform.

You can easily hire cross platform app developers for making your software products compatible with different environments. Before you do so, you need to ensure that the person:

  • Can develop user-friendly frontend interfaces suitable for multiple platforms across mobile and tablet devices

  • Has a sound knowledge of JavaScript frameworks such as Angular, Ember, jQuery, and React, and can use these for developing user interfaces

  • Can carry out device testing and optimization across different browsers

Qualifications of Cross Platform Developers

People who offer cross platform app development services also provide expert guidance based on the type of software and target audience. Here are some of the qualifications you should look for before you hire skilled freelancers.

  • Professional education and training in computer science, software development, application development, and cross platform development

  • Knowledge of commonly used cross platform development tools such as PhoneGap, Sencha, Xamarin, and Apache Cordova

  • Extensive portfolio of several mobile app cross platform development projects handled for various clients

Benefits of Freelance Cross Platform Developers

  • They help increase the value of your software product by making it functional across different platforms.

  • They build prototypes and simulations from your mockups that can be directly implemented once approved.

  • They can make use of cross platform SDKs for their cross platform development projects.

Guru Tip:

Hourly, fixed price, task-based or recurring. Choose from four Payment terms and work the way you want. Find and hire top Cross Platform Development freelancers on our online freelance marketplace Guru. 

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