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Hire an Experienced CSS Developer

A CSS developer specializes in CSS and is focused on developing front-end features. CSS3 freelancers are front-end developers who can write the CSS code that includes colors, margins and padding. They are experts in preprocessors such as LESS or Sass. Some developers can also have expertise in using front-end CSS framework such as Foundation and Bootstrap.

Responsibilities of a CSS Freelancer

The responsibilities of a CSS programming expert includes translating UI/UX design wireframes to code to create visual elements of applications. They write CSS software, test programs and website, address technical issues, and oversee communications systems. The expert installs and configures systems, tests website performance, advises about design specification processes and can also design web pages. Once you hire a CSS developer, they can:

  • Build user-facing features.

  • Optimize applications for optimal speed.

  • Develop reusable libraries/code.

  • Ensure user input validation before back-end submission.

  • Check technical feasibility of UI/UX designs through functionality and compatibility testing.

Hiring the Right CSS Freelancer

When looking to hire a CSS freelancer, you should evaluate their technical skills and personal qualities.

A developer should have the following technical expertise and experience in:

  • HTML5, CSS3, Flexbox and Sass

  • HTML5 & CSS3 in a JavaScript framework

  • UI & UX development

  • AJAX

  • Material UI specifications

  • DOM manipulation with jQuery & JavaScript

  • JS frameworks/libraries such as AngularJS, Ember and React

  • JavaScript based tools such as Gulp, Bower and Grunt

An HTML CSS developer is expected to have expertise in SemanticUI, Bootstrap and/or Foundation. The right professional will have expertise in code reuse and abstraction. An expert will have demonstrable experience of having worked on large projects. They should also have built strong opinions on CSS/HTML architecture and structuring. It is also important to hire a freelancer online who has experience in implementing mobile responsive applications.

In addition to being technically sound, a successful css programming expert should also have:

  • An optimizing attitude with strong work ethics.

  • A personal commitment to creating well-documented and high-quality code.

  • Excellent interpersonal skills and will to be a good team player.

  • Great interpersonal skills to ensure effective communication with clients and team members.

  • An acute attention to detail and the ability to notice tiniest of imperfections.

  • A strong opinion about the design of digital products.

A passionate developer stays up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices and has the ability to determine which trends are going to matter. They have a strong opinion on the UI and UX associated with the project which is also indicative of their interest.

Guru Tip: 

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be released once they are satisfied with the work.

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