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Hire a Freelance Dancer

Dance is one of the most practiced performing art and any individual who dances professionally is known as a dancer. Dancers use movement, gesture and body language to portray a character, story or situation to a live or visual broadcast audience.

What Freelance Dancers Do?

A dancer is an artist who dances to a pre-choreographed piece for an audience. However, dancers spend hours and days altogether rehearsing a piece and perfecting it – they use their body and movements to tell stories and convey emotions. Dancers have the artistic ability and creativity, as well as the physical dexterity, to express ideas through movement. They train, exercise and attend dance classes to maintain high levels of technical proficiency, physical ability and fitness.

There are many types of dances in the world and a dancer may specialize in one or multiple dance forms. For example, a dancer could be a hip-hop street style dancer, a ballroom dancer or a folk dance dancer. Dancers may perform in musicals, plays, television shows, movies or even at promotional events.

Depending on the piece that they are dancing for, dancers may work in tandem with other dancers to create an entire routine. Alternatively, expert dancers also put up solo performances. Many dancers play the role of a choreographer or a teacher, where they may choreograph the piece that they are dancing on or may teach others about the dance that they specialize in.

Though most professional dancers are represented by talent management agencies, for small projects, one can find dancers for hire on Guru – the best website to hire freelancers. 

When looking at dancers for hire, make sure your freelancer can:

  • Study new and emerging types of dance.

  • Work closely with instructors or other dancers to interpret or modify choreography.

  • Undergo a substantial amount of rehearsal time.

  • Represent the character in the truest sense.

  • Research their characters personal traits.

  • Take direction from the directors.

  • Communicate with the media, if need be.

Qualities needed by Dancers

It is ideal for your freelancer to have the following skills:

  • Excellent balance, physical strength, and physical dexterity

  • Genuine passion for dancing, whether on stage or on camera

  • Willingness to work at odd hours

  • Required physical condition

  • Willingness to work in a team and in collaboration with other dancers, choreographers and directors

  • Patience and endurance

While there is no requirement of any formal education, some dancers do learn dancing professionally. In addition to these qualities, dancers must have the physical stamina to rehearse and perform for long periods of time and they must be able to protect themselves from injury.  

Benefits of a Freelance Dancer

Freelance dancers are ideal for small projects such as television series or non-commercial documentaries. They are usually represented by themselves and hence their charges are much lower than those that are represented by an agency.

Guru Tip:

Guru’s Status Update feature helps you keep track of your Freelancer’s progress on the job. Depending on your Agreement, use this feature on our professional freelance website to check your Freelancer’s due date for tasks, billable hours and invoices.

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