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Database, also called electronic database, is a collection of data or information that is specially organized for rapid search and retrieval by a computer. Database administration refers to a whole set of activities to ensure that a database is always available as needed. Other such activities include database security, database monitoring, troubleshooting and planning for future growth. It is an important function in any organization that is dependent on one or more databases.

Database administration considers both back-end organization of data and front-end accessibility for end-users. It monitors performance and manages parameters to provide fast responses to front-end users.

You can hire Database Administrator for maintaining a successful database environment and ensuring that data is secure. You can refer to top freelance sites for finding experts in this domain.

What Do Database Administrators Do?

Database Administrators are professionals who are responsible for managing all the activities related to a database system. They are responsible for installing the database software, configuring the software and then upgrading it. They refine the physical design to meet system storage requirements and decide how the installing and configuring of database software will take place.

Database Administrators have to decide which hardware device will suit the company’s requirement. As the hardware is an interface between end users and database, so they ensure that to be of best quality. They take the backup of the entire database in a regular time span. They decide how much and how frequently the data backup has to be done. In the case of any loss of database, they also work on recovery of the database. MySQL Developers are involved in back-end as well as server-side development of software and website development by effectively managing the database.

You can get Database Administration Services online from Guru.com, the best website to hire freelancers. Before you hire Database Administrator, do ensure that:  

  • Can evaluate complex information coming from a variety of sources

  • Understanding and writing skills on database documentation, including data standards, definitions and procedures for the data dictionary (metadata)

  • Can maintain data standards, including adherence to the Data Protection Act

  • Must be able to troubleshoot problems and resolve the problems

  • Should have strong analytical skills

Qualifications of a Database Administrator

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Software/Computer Systems Engineering, Electronics, information technology, Mathematics, Operational Research.

  • Previous experience in database administration, programming

  • Hands-on experience with database technologies and operating systems as possible.

  • Strong knowledge of structured query language (SQL), Unix and DBMS

Benefits of Hiring Database Administrators

  • They will bring the focus of your business towards best practices as they know the right settings and configurations that your database needs, giving you a higher performance.

  • They will use their expertise to manage your database that will increase overall performance, by improving its speed or consistency.

  • A freelance Database Administrator will work to ensure that in case of any system failure, they fix it promptly.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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