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How DHTML Professionals Can Help You

Dynamic Hypertext Mark-up Language (DHTML) is a combination of web development technologies used in designing and creation of dynamically changing websites. Take note, the DHTML itself is not a language like JavaScript and HTML. It only combines the features of languages such as JavaScript, HTML, DOM, and CSS to create dynamic web pages. DHTML is useful in creating animations, games, applications, and in the provision of alternative ways to navigate through websites. DHTML allows scripting languages to change variables in a web page's definition language thus affecting the look of the page.

DHTML enhances web-page functionality through its low use of bandwidth effect. It encourages the use of properties, events, and reuse of codes. Creation of dynamic web pages via DHTML is easy as there is no need for plug-ins. It helps developers in adding effects to their pages which might be difficult to achieve otherwise. A ticker can be embedded which would ensure that web pages are refreshed automatically with latest news, songs or other desired data. The use of a form to capture user input, processing, verification and responding to the data without having to send data back to the server. It also features rollover buttons or drop-down menus. Hire a freelancer from with industry leading experience in DHTML in the location you want and at the price that’s right for you.

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