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How Domain Registration Professionals Can Help You

A domain is the name used to identify an IP address. Domain names are used in the URL to identify a website. Domain registration is the process of choosing a unique name that is applied to your web pages. The person who owns the domain is therefore referred to as the domain registrant. Domain registration primarily means that your website/webpage name is reserved on the internet and that nobody else will ever be able to use that domain as long as you are the domain registrant. A domain name is renewed yearly and this ensures that you keep the rights to the domain. On Guru, you have access to freelance domain name registration experts.

Hiring the services of domain specialists provides you with excellent client service. The purpose is to upsell, and resolve client queries. They are able to troubleshoot advanced settings of POP3/IMAP/Smartphone as well as use basic email software. Ability to troubleshoot settings associated with SMTP authentication, POP frequency, port configuration and Importing & exporting of address books. They are responsible for using tools that troubleshoot issues regarding spam, filtering, email inboxes, ISP outages and internet backbone outages. Domain registration experts are able to trouble shoot email issues caused by IP spam filtering, content spam filtering as well as 3rd party browser configuration. On Guru, you are able to connect with freelance professionals that are proficient in domain registration.

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