Facebook API Developers

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Top Facebook API Developers

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Hire an Expert Facebook API Developer

A Facebook API developer specializes in building reliable Facebook applications that can include websites and portals. If you want to grow your business, build your online presence or develop specific features for apps, you should hire qualified and experienced API developers. The job of the developer can involve Facebook application development, integration of Facebook plugins and addressing Facebook marketing or campaign requirements.

Services Offered by a Facebook API Developer

An experienced Facebook API developer is capable of finding, reading and comprehending the Facebook API documentation relevant to your specific needs. The range of services offered by the developer can cover different areas, like:

  • Facebook login API integration

  • Custom Facebook application

  • Facebook page development

  • Facebook profile widget

  • FB connect integration

  • Facebook Messenger

  • Chatbot Development

Find the Right Facebook API Developer

A Facebook API developer should have both technical and non-technical skills. Their development skills should span across the following platforms and technologies: HTML, JavaScript, XML, SDK, REST, Json, SOAP, Curl, DOM, Web Hooks and web services. A Facebook API developer should ideally have:

  • Proven experience in working with JavaScript.

  • Expertise in Node.js and the relevant frameworks.

  • Experience in database schema creation, around business process representation and support.

  • Proven experience in developing REST APIs.

Facebook API developers are also expected to have deep understanding of security and accessibility compliance requirements. They should have knowledge of implementing testing platforms and performing unit testing. The right professional understands basic design principles behind scalable applications. Besides building new APIs, the professional should also have:

  • Experience in designing new UIs for existing APIs.

  • The ability to manage enterprise API using a service catalogue.

  • Knowledge of Zend, Symfony and similar MVC frameworks.

  • Experience with iOS and Android development.

  • Experience with open source programming that includes API builds, API implementations, and authentication.

  • Expertise in chatbot development and in creating user experiences on platforms like chatfuel, motion.ai and others.

They should follow the best practices to help you achieve significant development cost savings. A professional Facebook developer API can write clean, well-organized and efficient code.

Guru Tip:

Once a Freelancer has been hired, a WorkRoom is created for the job on Guru. Use WorkRooms to communicate with your Freelancers and team members, keep track of work, upload files and manage multiple jobs easily. 

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