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Hire Freelance GIS Specialists

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are specialized systems used for the collection, storage, manipulation, analysis and management of geographical data. The primary data stored in these systems are related to specific locations on Earth. This data is supplemented by secondary data that provides further information and is known as attribute data. For example, location of hospitals is primary data, and the name and specialties of these hospitals is the attribute data. A combination of both these levels of information contribute to the widespread use of GIS in geospatial analysis, management of large data sets and display of information in a graphical form. GIS is widely used in branches of engineering, transport and logistics, telecommunications, insurance, public health, defense, archaeology and business.

What GIS Specialists Do?

A lot of organizations require specific geographical data for carrying out marketing and research, and they hire GIS specialists to construct maps with their specific requirements. These specialists use GIS software for preparing and developing graphical representations of location data sets. They also coordinate the development of integrated location databases for future reference. GIS specialists can provide a range of different services based on their specialization. GIS application specialists use high-end technology tools for the collection, storage, manipulation and interpretation of important geographic information for government and non-government organizations. Mostly, their services are required in community health, agriculture and natural resources. GIS locator specialists or GIS mapping specialists create maps, and develop and maintain geographical databases for ease of spatial analyses and location of hotspots. GIS support specialists provide technical support to their clients in the modification and maintenance of GIS databases.

If you intend to hire a GIS specialist for your specific location mapping requirements, you can hire a freelancer online who can help you with your project. However, you need to ensure that your freelancer has:

  • The knowledge of Geographic Information System software, along with its usage, features, functionalities and maintenance aspects.

  • The capability to collect precise geographic data, and add it to preexisting databases in GIS software.

  • The technical understanding of troubleshooting issues with GIS applications and databases.

Qualifications of GIS Specialists

It is ideal that your freelancer has:

  • A strong educational background in GIS technology, geomatics and environmental science.

  • Abstract thinking and troubleshooting skills regarding information collection and data management.

  • Technical design skills related to AutoCAD, ESRI extensions and ArcView GIS.

Benefits of Freelance GIS Specialists

If you have the need of GIS specialists for your organization, you may hire a freelance GIS support specialist, GIS locator specialist or GIS application specialist from any of the top freelance marketplaces, like Guru. Freelancers have the benefit of working with various clients and helping them with their requirements, and their cumulative knowledge and experience can help you with your GIS needs as well.

Guru Tip:

Once a Freelancer has been hired, a WorkRoom is created for the job on Guru. Use WorkRooms to communicate with your Freelancers and team members, keep track of work, upload files and manage multiple jobs easily. 

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