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Hire Freelance Graffiti Artists

Graffiti refers to elaborate drawings or artwork made on walls, usually with the help of spray paint in aerosol cans, markers, oil paints or wall colors. Typically, it is a representation of extensive artistic expression and may throw light upon current age social or political issues. Over the years, graffiti art has evolved in terms of styles and techniques, and the best graffiti artists often use a combination of scribing, stencil graffiti and yarnbombing to create masterpieces. In recent times, graffiti art has been used for the purpose of advertising and marketing campaigns, and a lot of companies seek graffiti artists for hire to create stenciled drawings, digital graffiti and reverse graffiti, in a bid to promote their products or services.

What Graffiti Artists Do?

The use of graffiti art for marketing and advertising is currently one of the more elite and sophisticated ways to promote your brand among the younger generation. Hence, a number of top graffiti artists have started using their passion for graffiti art as a rewarding career. They have started collaborating with businesses to promote brands through wall art and drawings. They may also perform graffiti art for the purpose of décor for the walls of offices and homes. They can work with your concepts and develop amazing artwork for display on large surfaces to engage with as many people as possible. They can also help you in choosing locations for your advertising campaigns, ensuring that it is legal to perform graffiti art on the particular wall by taking requisite permissions, and that it is the right location for enticing a large number of people. Aside from being an extremely useful marketing strategy, it is cost-effective, since you can easily work with the best graffiti artists within a reasonable budget.

If you are considering graffiti artists for hire for your brand’s marketing or wall decor, you can hire a freelancer online; however, you need to ensure that your freelancer has:

  • An extensive portfolio of graffiti art and a proven track record of creating amazing design concepts.

  • Familiarity with the modern techniques of performing graffiti art, including the various styles and techniques.

  • Familiarity with the legal regulations surrounding graffiti art and can guide you to choose locations that are permitted for this type of advertising.

Qualifications of Graffiti Artists

It is ideal that your freelancer has:

  • A strong educational background in visual arts, computer graphics and fundamentals of design.

  • Familiarity with the specific techniques used for graffiti art such as spray painting, scribing and stencil drawings.

  • Evidence of personal branding, originality and creativity in the graffiti artwork.

Benefits of Freelance Graffiti Artists

Similar to how illustrators can help you with the development of drawings and sketches for your logo and other marketing collaterals, graffiti artists too can conceptualize complete marketing campaigns for your brand and products. You can easily connect with the top graffiti artists through some of the best websites to hire freelancers, and work with them to promote your business through a unique medium of expression.

Guru Tip:

When getting work done on Guru, the freelance marketplace platform of choice of 3 million Employers and Freelancers, you can hire multiple Freelancers for a job and assign them tasks individually in the WorkRoom. Get work done with security, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. 

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