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Hire Freelance Greeting Card Designer

Greeting card designers create seasonal and every day cards using copy, illustrations, photography, and graphic design. They create cards for occasions such as birthdays and weddings as well as holidays. They most often work on a freelance basis; however, some designers work full-time for greeting card companies. Today, the greeting card business is a million dollar industry, putting quality greeting cards in high demand. Becoming a greeting card designer means illustrating your own ideas and turning them into a finished product. Whether you work for an established company or you are a freelance greeting card designer, creating greeting cards can be a very satisfying job that will bring happiness to you and others. It is very easy to find greeting card designers for hire on online freelancing platforms, like Guru, who can design greeting cards as per your requirements.

What Do Greeting Card Designers Do?

Greeting card designers can find employment in different areas in the development of greeting cards, including creative, illustration, photography, writing, graphic design, and hand lettering. An individual working as a freelance greeting card designer may specialize in one particular area or create the card as a whole. In smaller shops, designers for greeting cards can do many other assignments. They may also be called upon to design materials such as calendars or posters. Few designers even do paper advertisement intended for wide distribution and typically posted or distributed in a public place, handed out to individuals or sent through the mail. Such individuals are called flyer designers. Ensure that your freelancer can:

  • Create ideas for text, illustrations or images for cards, poster and other gifts.

  • Use conventional drawing methods or computer-aided design applications.

  • Select the type of materials to be used.

  • Collaborate with writers, illustrators or photographers to discuss the content.

  • Discuss ideas with clients or managers to get a sense of consumer preferences.

  • Present drafts to managers or clients for final approval.

Qualifications of a Greeting Card Designer

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following skills:

  • A knack for creativity

  • Tech-savvy

  • Visual representation of emotions

  • Adherence to specifications

  • Willingness to take up varied themes

There are no specific training requirements to become a greeting card designer. Employers, however, prefer those candidates who have a bachelor’s degree in illustration. One can do certificate courses in greeting card making or illustration from a number of reputed institutions. One such course is the Advanced Certification Course in Adobe Illustrator Training. A broad range of skills is equally essential in the making of a fine greeting card artist. 

Benefits of Freelance Greeting Card Designer

  • Greeting card designers have a universal advantage since everyone loves greeting cards as they are considered the way to convey greetings.

  • Greeting cards allow us an enormous range of sentiments that allow us to express our love to family and friends.

Nonetheless, the greeting card industry is highly competitive, and one cannot simply become a greeting card designer with the help of just a few, unshaped artistic skills. Numerous skillful greeting card designers for hire can be found on top freelance sites, like Guru.

Guru Tip:

Hourly, fixed price, task-based or recurring. Choose from four Payment terms and work the way you want. Find and hire top Greeting Card Designing freelancers on our online freelance marketplace Guru. 

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