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Hire Professional HTML5 Developers & Programmers

HTML5 is the latest standard of HyperText Markup Language (HTML) used to describe the structure of web pages on the Internet. It is one of the most essential components that make up modern web applications along with CSS and JavaScript. HTML5 is a system that allows the modification of the appearance of web pages, as well as making adjustments to their appearance. It is also used to structure and present content for the web.

There are other languages also that are necessary to give format and interactivity to a site, but the basic structure of any page is first defined in the HTML5 language. You can find HTML5 programmers for hire from some of the top online freelancing platforms.

What Do Freelance HTML5 Developers Do?

HTML5 developers are responsible for the complete end-to-end coding of websites. They provide technical support to website users, direct HTML projects, code sites, develop web-based applications, and perform testing on Web sites and their background code. Web Developers design the layout and content of pages, program all code to support applications, images, video and other site elements.

HTML5 is a great language for cross-platform mobile application development, as many of its features developed are adapted with the consideration of running on low powered devices, such as Smartphones and Tablets.

If you are looking for a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build the client-side or user-facing portion of a website then the best approach is to hire HTML5 app developer.

You can find HTML5 programmers for hire on Guru.com, one of the best sites to bid for projects online. Before you hire dedicated HTML5 developer, ensure that the professional: -

  • Understands web markup, including HTML5 and CSS3

  • Can translate designs into code, write technical documentation

  • Knows JavaScript frameworks like Ember, React, or JS-based build tools like Grunt, Gulp, and Bower

  • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as GitHub

Qualification of Freelance HTML5 Developers

  • BCA / B.E. / B.Tech / MCA / M.Tech  or its equivalent

  • Practical knowledge of SEO in web design and development

  • Experience in working with front-end frameworks including jQuery, Angular JS, etc

Benefits of Hiring Freelance HTML5 Developer

  • When you hire dedicated HTML5 developer, there will be reduction in development and maintenance costs over the website or web application's lifetime.  This is achieved by developing a single batch of code which can be used across platforms, devices and different markets.

  • HTML5 developers can provide you offline web experience through the offline application cache.

  • When working as a freelance HTML5 developer, these professionals will work as per project timelines and will be available as per project’s requirement. 

  • They will create a compatible site or system within all browsers by the implementation of HTML5 within the given time frame.

  • If required an HTML5 developer can also provide location-based services or apps for your project, as HTML5 supports geolocation features.

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