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How HTTPS Professionals Can Help You

HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure) is a communication protocol across computer network which is secured. Connections through HTTPS are encrypted by either Secure Socket Layer (SSL) or the most recent transport layer security (TLS). HTTPS is a secured version of the regular HTTP where the extra letter “S” added, indicates the encryption of all communications made through the user’s browser and the website. HTTPS operates with a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) system which is asymmetric to encrypt and decrypt communications using the ‘public’ and ‘private’ key. The keys can access one another, and the private key is the key to the website which can be tamed by the website owner. Hiring a freelancer with HTTPS expertise is easy on Guru.

HTTPS prevents the readability of all communications between a website and the user by a third party or a hacker. This prevents possibilities of losing valuable information which includes credit card details, social security number, etc. With HTTPS hackers who break into communications between your website and users will not be able to decrypt transferred information or data. HTTPS also protects a website from being shut down easily by hackers. It helps to build trust with clients as able to verify that your business is registered to your domain and secured. By that, they are encouraged to complete their business transactions, knowing all information they provide is secured. Freelancers on can assist with your HTTPS needs in the location you need and at the price you want.

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