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Hire App Icon Designers

An app icon is a unique image for every mobile application. It’s the first thing users see when they find an app on the App Store and Google Play. After this, the user decides if he wants to find more about an app.  If not, he would scroll further. A good icon generates interest and assures the user that an app might be useful for him. Similarly, a bad icon does twice as much, but the other way around. It confuses and creates doubt about the app. With more than half a million apps on both iTunes Store and Google Play, users have less time to make the decision of downloading the app or not. When users browse or search the app stores, their first impression is the app icon. That makes it very important for app marketing, along with the fact that you’re going to be using that icon in a lot of places. Hence there is a dire need of such Icon Designers or professionals doing freelance app icon design.

What Icon Designers Do?

After the Icon Designers are chosen, a simple process is followed. They start with the Style Development stage, where they will create one or two unique icon styles and apply them to a small set of icons. You then review all the styles and decide if you are happy with the designer. If all is okay, the icons will be refined through several rounds of revisions. Once you are satisfied, this new style is finally settled upon. This small set of icons subsequently becomes the style template for the remaining. Your icon designer will then move to Icon Production using the software. The designers upload icons which you can accept or reject or leave comments. They receive notifications and apply your changes. When the edits are complete you receive a notification and the process continues. Every change and iteration is visible and everyone can keep track of the project. Using the software like SoftOrbits or Icon Plus, speeds up the project process and records everything. A unique app designer would follow the following basic rules while designing the app:

  • Don’t use words as you have your app name for it

  • Keep it simple and boil down your app to one simple thing

  • Design with details and make sure it looks great when on full screen

  • Make the icon consistent with the app, so that users don’t get confused

Qualifications of App Icon Designer

A graphic designer or a UI designer can become an app icon designer by experience or just following app icon design tutorials on any of the freelance app icon design websites. In addition to the above he must have:

  • Good sense of design in animation and typography

  • Theoretical thinking to create information architecture

Benefits of Freelance Icon Designer

If you aim to make an app for your product, you can hire app icon designer who can analyze information suiting your requirements and make a perfect app icon for you. There are several online freelance job sites like Guru where you can hire skilled freelancers who would help you in fulfilling your project objectives.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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