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How Image Masking Professionals Can Help You

Image masking is the use of a graphic application such as Photoshop to edit a picture such that some parts of the image are hidden while some other parts are revealed. Image masking is carried out such that the main image is not destroyed. Based on this, it is possible for the mask to be edited or tweaked at a later time, if the need arises. It is a very creative and efficient means of manipulating images. Some types of image masking include layer masking (revealing or hiding portions of an image by adjusting the opacity of different parts of the picture with masking), clipping mask (where a layer is used to decide the transparency or visibility of another layer), alpha channel masking (where more difficult masking like removing furry areas and hair, which is a bit complex. Hiring a freelancer with image masking expertise can be done on Guru.

You can make use of the services of an image masking expert if you want to carry out some editing on your picture in a nondestructive way. It is done in such a way that fine tuning or making adjustment later, remains easy. For instance, you can still recover areas that you have initially removed, implying they were not completely deleted. If you want to show only a part of a picture while hiding another part, you can easily mask it with a gradient or very soft brush. It is also possible you want to edit a part of the picture, such as you want to change to color of the cloth you were putting on. The image masking expert will be able to help you change the color without tampering with the initial cloth, such that you can later revert to the former cloth. Masking can also be used to make the cloth look brighter or correct some stains on it. You will also need the image masking expert if you want to remove the background of your picture or change the background. You can connect with image masking freelancers on for hire for your next project.

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