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Hire Import-Export Operations Manager

With globalization and the concept of a ‘borderless world’, there has been a tremendous growth in international trade. There are now a number of small and big companies that exchange goods between countries and participate in the trade process. Import-export management is the process of importing goods from one country and exporting them to another country. A professional who manages the operations or the logistics of the import-export process is known as an import-export operations manager.

What Import-Export Operations Managers Do?

An import-export operations manager plays a very important role to ensure that the international trade and business is being carried out smoothly. They oversee all logistic aspects of the trade and manage the movement of the goods between locations. They resolve problems concerning the transportation, logistics systems and customer issues during the entire process. They integrate logistics with business systems or processes, such as customer sales, order management, accounting and shipping, and they liaise with different departments in order to do so. They plan, execute and track domestic and international shipments and work in collaboration with Quality Assurance, contract manufacturers and shipping companies.

Import-export operations managers are typically seen working in custom-clearing houses, special economic zones, state trading corporations, marine insurance companies and financial institutions and banks.

If you wish to hire import-export operations manager for project basis, you can do so on Guru – the best place to hire a freelancer online.

If you wish to hire import-export operations manager, make sure the freelancer can:

  • Assist in the planning and implementation of import-export strategies and activities.

  • Analyze all aspects of corporate logistics to determine the most cost-effective and efficient means of transporting products or supplies.

  • Direct inbound and outbound logistics operations, such as transportation and warehouse activities.

  • Oversee the movement, distribution and storage of materials and inventory.

  • Establish, measure and manage applicable metrics with logistics providers to ensure timely and efficient service.

  • Correspond with suppliers or customers to improve supply chain efficiency or sustainability.

  • Monitor product import or export processes to ensure compliance with regulatory or legal requirements.

  • Implement trade agreement programs and maintain internal controls.

Qualifications of an Import-Export Operations Manager

It is ideal for your freelancer to have the following skills:

  • Professional education in Business, Supply Chain, Logistics or Operations Management

  • Extensive knowledge of global logistics

  • Expertise in carrier on-boarding, process and SOP documentation, rate and performance management

  • Direct experience with ERP systems for forecasting, inventory control and order fulfillment

  • Knowledge about budget management, international trade and taxations 

  • Ability to easily comprehend and organize shipment processes 

  • Effective analytical, planning and organizational skills

  • Good understanding of sales and marketing strategies 

  • Well-developed communicational skills and customer orientation 

When hiring an import-export operations manager, be sure to conduct a reference check and speak to their former clients.

Benefits of Freelance Import-Export Operations Manager

Freelance import-export operations managers are professionals who have undergone formal education and training and are well aware of the changing market trends and rules and regulations. Taking care of the operational and logistical part of international trade can be time-consuming and a tedious job; thus it makes more sense to outsource the job to these trained professionals.

Guru Tip:

Before you hire a Freelancer online on Guru, see their All-Time Transaction Data to get a better understanding of their credibility, performance, and suitability for your job. All-time transaction data along with information on services and portfolio showcased by the Freelancer helps Employers make the right hiring decision on Guru. 

Find the right Import-Export Operations Management Freelancer on the freelance portal, Guru, by posting a job for free.

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