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How Installation Design Professionals Can Help You

Installation design, often referred to as installation art, is a creative field of three-dimensional works that often is site-specific and designed to alter the perception of a space. Commonly, the term is applied to interior spaces, whereas exterior involvements are often called public art, land art or intervention art; however, the borders between these terms overlap. Installation artworks are usually constructed in exhibits such as museums and galleries, as well as public and private spaces. This field integrates a broad range of everyday and natural materials, which are often chosen for their suggestive qualities, as well as varying media types such as video, sound, mobile or computer applications, immersive virtual reality, and the internet.

Installation design is much like a play or movie in that is meant to immediately immerse its viewers in a narrative, while still maintaining the viewer's sense of curiosity and exploration as they travel through your exhibit. Whether you need to bring your exhibition to life with interconnected, well-placed designs, or create captivating scenery that grabs your audience’s attention, the freelance installation designers for hire at have you covered. Our freelancers can pitch your ideas, draft complete concepts up, and even come out and build them for you! Whatever you need, they are on it. Guru makes it easier than ever to get in contact with these installation experts - just post up your job description and name your price and location!

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