Inventory Managers

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How Inventory Management Professionals Can Help You

Inventory management is a component of supply chain management and is the controlling of inventory within a business. Inventory refers to non-capitalized assets as well as stock items. This function oversees the flow of goods from the manufacture to the warehousing and monitoring the flow until it is sold. Inventory management is highly dependent on record keeping that affects the movement of inventory. Movement refers to inventory that leaves the warehouse as well as those that are returned. The management of inventory is described as activities that are used to achieve the best amount of items that are available. A freelancer with inventory management expertise can be found on Guru.

Freelance inventory managers are responsible for monitoring the level of supplies in an enterprise. This is done so that replenishment through purchases are done on time. This includes any products and materials that are needed for a business to function. These professionals oversee workers who record inventory movements as well as when stock is moved to store shelves. Conducting interviews, monitoring stock levels, replenishing stock and creating schedules are some of the tasks that an Inventory manger undertakes. Furthermore, they are able to use computer software such as TradeGecko, Zoho Inventory, EZOfficeInventory, Orderhive and SAP WMS 9to name a few). Hiring an inventory management expert can be done on Guru.

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