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Hire for IP and Trademark Services

Intellectual property is anything that has been made by an individual, which can be treated as an asset. It is a blanket term that is used to describe different types of intangible assets to which an individual can claim exclusive rights. A trademark is a distinctive sign or symbol used by a business organization, an individual or other established legal entity that helps differentiate that entity’s products and services from those of others.

What Does IP and Trademark Services Include?

Intellectual property is broadly divided into industrial property and copyright. It includes patents for inventions, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications. Patents are grants made by national governments that give an exclusive right the creator of an invention to use, sell or manufacture the invention whereas a trademark can be a name, word, slogan, design or symbol that identifies a product or the organization. Copyright covers literary works, like in novels, poems and plays, television shows and movies, music, arts like drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures.

Thus, IP and trademark services include searching and applying for patent, solving patent-related disputes, patent and non-patent literature analysis, IP asset management, and copyright management. Usually, a law firm or lawyers are hired for these services, although trademark consultants are equally gaining popularity. Trademark consultants provide trademark registration services, trademark renewal services and trademark restoration services.

You can hire the best trademark service provider online on Guru, as more and more trademark consultants are now looking to get freelance projects online.

When looking to hire for IP and trademark Services, ensure that your freelancer can:

  • Manage the trademarks application process for all new and existing marks.

  • Assist in patent acquisitions and licensing.

  • Advice on various settlement options such as licenses, restrictions, limitations and co-existence agreements.

  • Provide comprehensive litigation support.

  • Manage patent application preparation and prosecution.

  • Train business owners and staff on patent filing and strategy.

Qualifications of IP and Trademark Service

It is ideal for your freelancer to have the following skills:

  • In-depth understanding of and experience of practicing IP law in the desired location

  • Ability to seek patent protection at home or multiple countries

  • Capability to make complex patent issues understandable for non-patent professionals

  • Skill to identify patent infringement risks and mitigate such risks

  • Ability to draft and prosecute patent applications in various areas

Benefits of Freelance IP and Trademark Services

Freelance IP and trademark services providers are much more economical than law firms. They keep a check on expiration dates and renew the patents or trademarks as and when required.

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