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How iPod Professionals Can Help You

iPods are a line of portable electronic devices developed by Apple for storing and playing digital audio files and more. The very first version of the iPod was released in October of 2001, following the release of Macintosh's version of iTunes. Early versions of the iPod only featured audio and video storage and playing features, whereas newer versions of the iPod feature audio, video, pictures, streaming apps, internet, and even texting messaging capabilities. iPods are also able to externally plug into many Windows and Apples' computers for device syncing and music transfer purposes. The iPod Shuffle and iPod Nano were on the market for many years until the iPod Touch changed the technology game with an upgraded A8 processor and higher quality screen. In 2010, Apple's iPod sales declined while Apple's iPhone sales increased, due to the fact that both devices could essentially provide users with full audio storage and other features. Currently, the Apple Store serves as the leading digital music catalog provider for iPod users.

An iPod expert may assist your employees or customers with operating any version of the line of iPods including the iPod Shuffled, iPod Nano and iPod Touch. He or she may conduct a seminar or show a presentation on all the features and functions of an Apple iPod and how the device can best be integrated into daily life. In addition, he or she may show your employees or customers how to externally connect their iPods to other compatible Mac devices such as a MacBook laptop or MacBook desktop computer. As an extension of this, he or she may teach about the Mac Store and iTunes as the two major applications that provide data transfer services, downloading and device syncing services. If you are seeking to hire an iPod expert, he or she may set up a user friendly framework onto your line of iPods for fast and easy audio downloads. Find the professional you need on today!

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