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Hire Freelance LAMP Stack Developers

LAMP is a combination of four different software and platforms. It gets its name from Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP. It is used primarily for the development of dynamic websites and applications. The components of the original software bundle are interchangeable and can be customized for individual requirements. The Linux operating system is the base layer of the LAMP stack. The Apache platform serves as the web server which functions off the Linux system. MySQL is a relational database management system and PHP is a programming language. This is the basic software stack commonly used for development and provides a flexible environment for web development. If you require LAMP development services for any of your projects, you can hire a LAMP developer who can effectively fulfill your development requirements.

What LAMP Developers Do?

LAMP developers can be considered a combination of Apache developers, MySQL developers and PHP developers as they have a strong understanding of all these platforms. LAMP is widely preferred by developers as it is an open-source platform, and is flexible and easily customizable. LAMP developers use the LAMP stack to develop websites, ecommerce platforms, content management systems and social networking systems. They also use LAMP for the development of online booking system, book keeping system and SaaS applications. As all four components of LAMP are integrated together in a single development environment, LAMP developers are adept at each of them separately as well as in combination. Websites and applications developed by LAMP developers are less expensive, scalable, dynamic and give high performance.

If you have personal or business related projects, you can hire a LAMP developer. Their knowledge and experience in working with LAMP can help them develop good websites and applications in considerably less time and cost. However, you need to ensure that your freelancer has:

  • Familiarity with the LAMP setup, the individual components, as well as the integrated system.

  • Strong knowledge of website and application development.

  • The ability to decide which tool and technology would best suit the client’s requirements.

  • Several years of experience in providing LAMP development services to various clients.

Qualifications of LAMP Developers

It is ideal that your freelancer has the following skills:

  • Professional education in computer science, web development and programming

  • Knowledge and expertise in the different tools, technologies and platforms used for various purposes

  • Extensive portfolio of responsive websites and applications developed using the LAMP stack

Benefits of Freelance LAMP Developers

If you are looking to hire a LAMP developer, you can do so from some of the best websites to find freelance work, like Guru. These developers are extremely familiar with the LAMP components and are capable of using the entire system to develop high-performance websites and applications. Their expertise in working for different clients enables them to do justice to all their LAMP development projects.

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