Medical Transcriptionists

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Hire Freelance Medical Transcriptionists

Medical transcription refers to the process of transcription of audio files describing a patient’s medical history, symptoms, current diagnoses, tests required and medications prescribed, for maintaining written records of each patient. The files are often dictated by doctors, nurses or other healthcare practitioners either over a smart phone application or some other audio recording device. These files are of immense use to healthcare facilities and hospitals to maintain consistent well-formatted records of the medical histories of each patient. Using freelance medical transcription services also frees the healthcare providers from maintaining the records themselves, thus saving them time and effort. If you require medical transcription services for your healthcare centre, you can hire a medical transcriptionist who can create and maintain patient records systematically.

What Medical Transcriptionists Do?

Medical transcriptionists are both transcriptionists and medical specialists, as they comprehend medical terminology and can transcribe them accurately. They begin their work by listening intently to the dictated files of a physician or a healthcare provider, and note that down without any mistake. The doctor’s notes are usually categorized into patient history, physical examination, operative reports and discharge summaries. In most cases, medical transcriptionists use a speech recognition software to generate a rough draft. They then work on it to ensure consistency with other patient records. They have sufficient knowledge of medical terminology, can comprehend medical jargons and abbreviations, and transcribe them in their standard forms. Apart from transcribing patient records, they also enter the records in electronic health record (EHR) systems for their storage and future retrieval.

You can recruit freelance medical transcription services from any of the best websites to hire freelancers, like Guru. However, you need to ensure that your freelancer has:

  • The appropriate equipment and can listen to audio files while transcribing them with a high level of precision.

  • Sufficient knowledge of medical terminology, especially disease conditions, treatment procedures and medications.

  • A proven track record in offering medical transcription services.

Qualifications of Medical Transcriptionists

It is ideal that your freelancer has:

  • Certification through a medical transcription training program, diploma or an associate degree program.

  • Knowledge of medical terminology and use of medical transcription software.

Benefits of Freelance Medical Transcriptionists

If you are looking to hire a medical transcriptionist for creating and maintaining your patient records, you can connect with experienced medical transcriptionists on the top freelance marketplaces. They usually possess considerable years of experience and they can effectively help you fulfill your project objectives.

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