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How Microsite Professionals Can Help You

A microsite is essentially a secondary site that links back to the primary. It lives outside of the realm of the original site, however, and acts as a supplement to the material existing on the main webpage. They are used in a variety of ways, like viral campaigns for films, or interactive experiences based on media representation. They require little maintenance, as they are standalone spin-off webpages, which are meant to call attention to the parent site. That isn't to say that they aren't important, however. Sometimes, the fun that a microsite offers is exactly the push a consumer needs to engage with the more professional product offered at the parent site.

Marketing is everywhere, even places that you may not realize you're looking. That is one of the strongest applications of a microsite. It is a way to engage your audiences from an entirely separate domain and identity, while linking back to your own business. Imagine a fun quiz or game that builds attention and the end result leads you towards a product you have put out into the market. Audiences ride their energy as they surf the web, and microsites make those waves lead straight to you. Find a freelancer that can make those waves happen by creating engaging microsites, and watch your business soar. All the best freelancers are here at

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