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Hire Freelance Microsoft Silverlight Development Services

Microsoft Silverlight is an application framework developed by Microsoft used for writing and running internet applications. It provides several development tools and language options for game developers, animation developers, and graphics developers. It has a retained mode graphics system which is used to integrate multimedia, animations, and graphics into a single development environment. Extensible Application Markup Language (XAML) is used to declare user interfaces and the .Net framework is used for programming. Applications developed using Silverlight can be written in any .Net language and a few other dynamic programming languages. If you require Microsoft Silverlight developers for hire for your personal or professional projects, you can hire experts from the top freelance marketplaces, like Guru.

What Do Microsoft Silverlight Developers Do?

Silverlight developers create rich internet applications that run on most desktop browsers. The framework can be used for creating a very wide range of applications. These include applications that support online and real-time business transactions, business information services, as well as gaming and photo editing applications. Silverlight developers use .Net programming to create applications to provide lag-free user experience. They do this by enabling the browser to handle the front-end while the back-end processing is done on the servers. They also make sure that their applications run consistently across different browsers on varying screen sizes. These .Net developers also connect applications to an existing database framework in order to provide access to data at any time and at any location.

If you require Silverlight development services, you can go for Microsoft Silverlight developers for hire from some of the best websites to hire freelancers. Before you do so, you need to ensure that the person can:

  • Design next generation internet applications that works smoothly on all operating systems

  • Create amazing user-friendly interfaces for applications to provide a seamless user experience

  • Be familiar with the process of integration and migration of ASP.NET web applications with Microsoft Silverlight

Qualifications of Microsoft Silverlight Developers

Silverlight developers can create web applications for different browsers based on client specifications. Here are some of the qualifications you should look for before hiring a Silverlight developer:

  • Professional education and training in computer science, web development, software development, and .Net programming languages

  • Expert knowledge in HTML and WPF elements, C#, JavaScript, ASP.NET, AJAX, and PHP

  • Extensive portfolio of several web and mobile applications developed using Microsoft Silverlight

Benefits of Freelance Microsoft Silverlight Development Services

  • Microsoft Silverlight developers can take care of your application development needs for developing games, animations, and graphics

  • They can help you create business apps, gaming apps, educational apps, and other animation-related apps

  • They can help you troubleshoot issues with your applications developed using Silverlight

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