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How Multitasking Professionals Can Help You

Multitasking refers to the ability of a person to perform more than one task at the same time. The human brain processes input and has the ability to react to anything that stimulates it. Therefore, research has shown that the brain can be taught how to multitask. This sought after skill is not an easy one to develop and even the best of multi-taskers find it difficult to master. Examples of multi-tasking are answering the telephone while typing an email at the same time. Freelancers on Guru, have vast experience regarding juggling various projects.

Individuals who have this skill have the ability to meet various deadlines simultaneously. This applies as long as the relevant action and effort is placed on multiple tasks respectively. Hiring a freelancer with multi-tasking capabilities allows you reduce the cost of hiring and training multiple new members to your team. People that are able to juggle more than one assignment at a time increase the productivity rate which enables you to meet your deadlines on time. In addition to performing various tasks concurrently, skilled multi-taskers are able to use both sides of their brain almost simultaneously. These skilled agents are excellent time managers, stress and crisis managers and are extremely detail-orientated. Connect with freelance multi-taskers on Guru to help alleviate extra work and streamline the efficiency of your projects.

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