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Hire MySQL Developers

Software and website development involves back-end as well as server side development, for which effective management of databases is highly required. For such needs, MySQL open source database is taken in use. As per the project related needs, management and connection of databases has to be done by an experienced MySQL developer.

If you are looking forward to hire a MySQL developer to work on your software development project, search and hire such experienced freelance MySQL development professionals here on Guru, a leading online job portal that is known to connect freelancers to those in need of them.

More about MySQL

  • MySQL is a free-to-use, open source database that is highly known around the world for its stability, reliability and advanced features. It is also known to facilitate effective database management and their connection build-up to other software. It is inexpensive as it can be downloaded from the official online portal, and comes pre-installed in most of the hosting servers.

  • MySQL is also known across the globe for its security features, and uses solid date security layers to prevent unwanted access of confidential, sensitive data. However, as per the requirement, it is possible to give limited rights to multiple users so as to access the stored date, through encrypted passwords. Being the most secure database management system, it is also used in popular CMSs such as WordPress, Drupal etc. Because of its security features, it is highly beneficial for diverse e-commerce businesses that requires online money transfer.

  • One of the highly known features of MySQL is its on-demand scalability as per project related needs. Since not all e-commerce business websites or others have same database server requirements. By hiring a freelance MySQL developer, one can get to utilize the unmatched scalability benefits, to facilitate management of small or big warehouses that stack great volume of data in TBs or even more. By default, it can handle a total file size of around 4 GB, which can be increased to meet project related needs to TBs as detailed above.

  • Configuration of MySQL database server by the system administrators is possible to support the required performance needs. MySQL features a one of its kind storage engine framework which makes this happen. Whether it is about being used in an ecommerce portal that handles millions of queries every day or otherwise, MySQL is designed to meet diverse requirements while also ensuring optimum speed, unique memory caches and other benefits.

  • MySQL database software is known to manage memory in a well-defined manner. This prevents possible memory leaks that may be experienced on a server. In comparison to other database software like Sybase, Oracle etc., MySQL is faster in terms of performance, even though it has fewer features than them.

  • MySQL is heavily supported to run on a variety of platforms and operating systems, including Windows, LIMUX, UNIX and more.

  • By using MySQL, you need not to worry about space expansion or data administration configuration, as it comes with the self-management features. This also helps in maintaining complete workflow control.

  • With the help of a freelance MySQL developer, you can even get the current database applications migrated to MySQL to save on costs. It will also save the troubleshooting time accordingly.

You can Hire MySQL developers on Guru for the following roles:

  • Backend developer

  • SQL server database administrator

  • Web or Application developer

  • Lead software engineer and other profiles.

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