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What is Native App Development?

Native App Development involves the creation of applications for use in a single particular platform or device, like Android, iOS, BlackBerry or Windows. This app is made and coded for a specific mobile platform in its native programming language. For iOS -Objective-C or Swift, Android-Java, Kotlin and Windows Phone-C# is used. Every platform has different typography, graphic styles, gestures, visual effects, and the Developers have to follow different guidelines accordingly.

A freelance Native App Developer will create and develop applications as per your project requirements and will ensure that apps are compatible with a particular device or platform. If you are looking for building a mobile app using JavaScript only, you can hire dedicated React Native App Developers from some of the best online freelance sites.

What Does a Native App Developer Do?

Native Application Developers are professionals who develop a software program for use on a particular platform or device. The app created by these experts will have the ability to use device-specific hardware and software. These Developers write Native Apps in the code used for the device and its OS. Mobile App Developers possess an excellent working knowledge of the different platforms and have in-depth knowledge of the different computer languages such as C++, Java, HTML, MySQL, PHP, Objective-C, and Wireless Networks. Back End Developers are programmers who create logical back-end and core computational logic of a website, software or information system.

Organizations hire React Native App Development Services as it covers all the aspects like design, development, deployment, testing, architecture etc. while developing an app.

If you are looking for creating an app as per the Organization’s platform in Java, you can hire dedicated React Native App Developers. You can hire React Native App Development Services on, one  of the best freelance marketplace websites. Before you appoint a freelance Native App Developer, do ensure that the professional: -

  • Understands principles of secure, stable software design

  • Understands software development process and lifecycle, including the design-develop-test-release-maintain cycle, and long-term lifecycle support and maintenance

  • Has knowledge of two or more programming languages, such as SQL, Java, JavaScript, C# or C++, Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails, or iOS

Qualification of Native App Developers

  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science /Management Information Systems or a similar discipline

  • Previous experience in Mobile App Development for different platforms

  • Hands on experience in writing programming languages like Java, PHP, C++ and others

Benefits of Hiring Native App Developers

  • They will incorporate features of your Operating System and utilize device specific features of hardware and software. They will create these applications as per your organization’s needs.

  • They will make the apps that will provide a high level of performance as they will be optimized for a specific platform. This will increase the device’s processing speed.

  • This app will provide users a more personalized experience which will be rewarding in the long-run.

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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