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Hire Freelance Oculus Developers

Oculus is an American company involved in the development of hardware and software products in the field of virtual reality. In 2012, Oculus introduced the product Rift, which is a virtual reality headset used for playing video games. These headsets are currently available to Oculus developers so that they can develop custom software for different games. Along with this virtual reality head-mounted display, Oculus also offers developer kits to make the development process easier. Other products manufactured by the company include Oculus Rift earphones and Oculus Touch motion controllers. These devices provide a unique experience to customers who enjoy playing video games. People who use these devices choose expert Oculus Rift developers for hire to customize their headsets for an enhanced video gaming experience. There are several Oculus developers constantly on the lookout for online freelance opportunities and they can help you fulfill your project requirements.

What Do Oculus Rift Developers Do?

Oculus developers use the Oculus PC Software Development Kit (SDK) to create virtual reality experiences for Oculus Rift. They also use Oculus’ supporting SDKs such as Audio SDK, Platform SDK, and Avatar SDK to add extra functionalities to the software. Oculus developers who are adept in C++ can use the programming language for the development process. Even if developers do not know C++, they can use the Unity or Unreal development environment for developing gaming software. Using the company developed SDKs, Oculus developers add features such as sensor initialization, advanced rendering, focus management, and spatialized audio. As game development environments such as Unity offer a lot more features for customization, a lot of people prefer to hire Unity 3D developers for Oculus development.

If you are looking for Oculus Rift developers for hire, you can choose experts from online hiring websites. Before you do so, you need to ensure that the person:

  • Is familiar with the principles and procedures of designing gaming experiences in 3D

  • Has knowledge of core and supporting Oculus SDKs, and programming languages such as C, C#, and C++

  • Is familiar with 3D modeling and scanning, 360˚ photos and videos, 3D games engines, maths, and geometry

Qualifications of Oculus Rift Developers

Oculus developers can give you an enhanced gaming experience through their custom-designed software. Here are some of the qualifications you should consider before hiring an Oculus expert.

  • Professional education and training in computer science, software development, and virtual reality development

  • In-depth knowledge of 3D modeling tools such as Autodesk Maya, 3D scanning apps such as Da Vinci, and 3D game development environments such as Unity

  • Extensive portfolio of several Oculus development projects successfully handled for various clients

Benefits of Freelance Oculus Developers

  • They help make simulated worlds as realistic as possible through their custom-developed gaming software

  • They write programs for virtual reality apps and games enabling them to run on the Oculus platform

  • They help you troubleshoot any problems you may face with your custom Oculus software

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