Pastel Artists

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Hire Freelance Pastel Art Services

Pastel art is a widely preferred form of art for making portraits and scenic paintings. Pastel sticks are made of powdered pigments and neutral binders with low saturation. The type of binder used varies with the type of pastel stick, and serves to create different types of pastel paintings. Binders such as gum arabic and methyl cellulose are used in dry pastels. Based on the amount of binder used, dry pastels may further be classified as soft pastels, pan pastels, hard pastels, and pastel sticks. Apart from these, oil pastels and water-soluble pastels are also available and are used by artists for creating different effects. Based on the project requirements, pastel artists use one or more types of pastel sticks to create amazing pastel artwork. If you require pastel artists for hire for your personal or business projects, you can connect with experts on the top freelance marketplaces.

What Do Pastel Artists Do?

Pastel artists use pastel sticks in bright, vibrant colors to create artwork. Pastel art is particularly challenging as other media such as palettes, brushes, or water are not used for the painting. So, there is no room for error and pastel artists need to be highly confident about their strokes. These painting artists begin by understanding client requirements and the end purpose of the painting. They may create several rough drafts before beginning work on the final painting. Most people hire soft pastel artists for adorning their houses or workplaces with pastel paintings. This is because soft pastel art is brighter with a creative balance of colors and techniques. On the contrary, people who prefer intense colors and denser paintings may go for modern oil pastel artists.

If you are interested in having personalized pastel art for your house or workplace, you can go for expert pastel artists for hire. Before you recruit their online freelance services, you need to ensure that the person has:

  • Familiarity with the different types of pastel sticks available and can choose the most relevant type for your requirements

  • Awareness of different pastel art techniques and can innovatively combine them to produce great artwork

Qualifications of Pastel Artists

Professional pastel artists are comfortable and confident in working with pastel media to fulfill client specifications. Here are some of the qualifications of pastel artists that can help you with your requirements:

  • Professional education and training in fine arts with particular emphasis on pastel art

  • Relevant training programs, internships, and courses in pastel art demonstrating expertise and skill set

  • Extensive portfolio of several pastel artworks created for various clients

Benefits of Freelance Pastel Art Services

Hire freelancers on Guru to get your work done and they can:

  • Suggest the most suitable type of pastel stick and technique for your requirements

  • Create suitable artwork that can add beauty to your house or workplace

  • Make recommendations regarding theme and location of the painting for the best results

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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