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Hire Freelance Pattern Designer

A pattern designer creates templates or models that are used to produce copies of products made of different materials like fabrics, wood, plastic, metal, Plaster of Paris or polystyrene. They essentially draw the patterns for a variety of products like shoes, apparels, chairs and plastic containers.

What Does a Pattern Designer Do?

A pattern designer collaborates with design, manufacturing and process engineering teams to help shape designs in a method that minimizes labor, maximizes quality and optimizes yields. Pattern designers use their hands and operating machine tools to cut, turn, mill, plane, bore, grind and shape different materials into prescribed dimensions and finishes. They are employed primarily in manufacturing industries such as aircraft, automotive and shipbuilding manufacturers as well as foundries and independent foundry shops.

There are many professionals who offer online freelance services and are willing to take on small projects on Guru. These are mostly people who prefer to do online jobs from home and work on a project basis.

If you wish to hire freelance pattern designer, make sure your freelancer can:

  • Undertake the project from concept to completion.

  • Covert engineering drawings into effective foundry patterns.

  • Use general shop machinery to cut, form and shape pattern.

  • Ability to calculate casting weight and develop a design for costing.

  • Review and interpret blueprints of parts to be cast, compute dimensions and plan the sequences of operations.

  • Create first patterns for samples and production patterns in a timely manner.

  • Review patterns and layouts to ensure the best consumption of fabric.

  • Work closely with design team to help execute new product categories.

Qualifications of a Pattern Designer

It is ideal for your freelancer to have the following skills:

  • Professional education in Industrial Engineering or related disciplines

  • Basic understanding of molding and core making processes such as tilt/pour molding

  • Ability to research problems and find actionable solutions and implement them

  • Detail-oriented and meticulous

Benefits of a Freelance Pattern Designer

Work across industries, and hence, have varied experience which adds to their knowledge and skill set. They are best suited for small projects as they are cost-effective.

Guru Tip:

Guru’s Status Update helps you keep track of your Freelancer’s progress on the job. Depending on your Agreement, use this feature on our professional freelance website to check your Freelancer’s due date for tasks, billable tracked hours and weekly invoices.

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