Pencil Drawing Artists

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Hire Freelance Pencil Drawing Artists

The practice of making detailed pencil drawings goes back to the 17th century when Plumbago drawings were popular for minor portraits. Plumbago refers to the combination of graphite and clay that makes up the core of most graphite pencils even today. These Plumbago portraits were drawn on vellum not paper, and their details and shading tend to be lighter than the hyper-realistic pencil portraits of today. A few hundred years later, our contemporary artists are mastering the art of pencil drawing. Unlike in those past eras when artistic masters might only have been found after they died, the digital era allows you to see the work of these talented contemporary masters. With passing time, the scope of pencil drawing has enhanced and various forms of Pencil Drawing Artists have come into picture.

What Do Pencil Drawing Artists Do?

A pencil drawing artist is a professional that creates sketches and drawings using primarily a pencil for various purposes. Some artists of this sort might create portraits or pictures for other people’s viewing pleasure. Such artists are called portrait pencil artists. In some cases, like animal pencil drawing artists, the drawing artist might draw pictures modeled after live subjects. Drawings can also be created other ways as well, such as by studying photographs or nature, like in the case of flower pencil drawing artists. Other artists like black and white pencil artists however, may use their talents to help law enforcement professionals create sketches of crime suspects from eyewitness descriptions. These artists will usually need to create very accurate portraits from nothing but a witness’s memory. The resulting drawings are then used in wanted posters, news articles and on television in hopes that citizens might recognize the suspect and contact the required officials.

Qualifications of Freelance Pencil Drawing Artists

Freelance pencil drawing artists do not necessarily require any sort of formal education. However possessing the following can help them hone their skills and develop their talent:

  • An associate degree and bachelor’s degree that take two and four years respectively to complete

  • Individuals interested in working as a sketch artist for forensic agencies may benefit from taking courses in law enforcement or criminal justice

  • Recognition from an international association will always be a plus point

Benefits of Freelance Pencil Drawing Artists

The majority of professional pencil drawing artists work as freelancers on various online freelancing platforms. Some artists may be commissioned to create unique drawings of people or places. Forensic sketch artists may work as freelancers, or they may be salaried employees of law agencies, such as city police departments. In case you need to hire a professional freelance pencil artist, you can visit a few top freelancing sites, like Guru.

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