Photorealism Artists

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Photorealism Pencil Drawing Artists for Hire

Photorealism is a genre of art in which an artist tries to replicate an image as realistically as possible through a different medium. The artist is free to take recourse to different kinds of art. The artist can paint, draw or use any graphics media using pastels or charcoal. The beauty lies in the precision and accuracy of image replication. This American form of art movement had evolved from pop art and as a counter to Minimalist art movements and Abstract Expressionism. Photorealism is also known as Hyperrealism and superrealism and remains an essential avant-garde style.

What Do Freelance Photorealism Artists Do?

They first get the image and information related to a specific image and camera. After the photograph gets developed, the artist will systematically transfer it on the canvas. This transfer process can start by using traditional grid techniques or projecting the image on the slide. The end image may look like a copy of the original one or a little larger in size. 

Qualifications of Freelance Photorealism Artists

When you plan to hire an expert who can replicate the art as realistically, then look for someone with the below qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Art and Design or Visual Arts

  • Working knowledge of sketching and modeling

  • A strong portfolio to exhibit

  • Ability to prepare and process materials to visualize perspective and colors

  • Fine attention to details

  • A creative bent of mind

  • Incredible patience and technical knowledge

  • Ability to capture an image with exceptional precision

Benefits of Taking Photorealism Pencil Drawing Artists for Hire

With an expert by your side, you can benefit in multiple ways as they possess the skill set and the ability to think and execute professionally:

  • These artists can recreate an image through your preferred medium like they can draw or paint it for you and give an essence that is captured from your perspective on the canvas. 

  • You can rely on this form of art to evoke emotions, happy or sad. The original image may not have any feelings in it but freelance photorealism artists can give the image an emotion that you desire.

  • These images are usually much larger with focus on the details. You can view every stroke in the painting or blemish in a sketch and have drawings with precision.

  • In today’s technology and internet driven era, this form of art is gaining popularity as an image replication is less time consuming as against making an original one.

  • These artists have the skill to make it large that comes as a definite advantage in the prominent e-commerce, gaming and architecture field.  

Guru Tip:

When getting work done on Guru, the freelance marketplace platform of choice of 3 million Employers and Freelancers, you can hire multiple Freelancers for a job and assign them tasks individually in the WorkRoom. Get work done with security, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. 

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