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Hire Freelance Portrait Illustrators

Portrait Illustration is the art in which the distinction of a person, object, creature and others are highlighted that will make a portrait of a person instantly recognizable. Portraits are used in literature in order to accurately depict how a character is supposed to look according to the author’s specifications.

An artist chooses an expression, a gesture, physical characteristic, or mannerism that's familiar with a personality. For creating a realistic or abstract portrait as an illustration a skilled artist is required. You can hire Portrait Illustrators who understand the power of line and shading to create form as per specifications mentioned.

What Is a Portrait Illustrator?

Portrait Illustrators are professionals who create a compelling likeness of a celebrity, creature or world figure through careful observation of those qualities that define them respectively. They emphasize a feature or trait for which the particular subject is best known.  These artists will draw out those characteristics that make a character who they are. Portrait Painting Artists have a very high level of precision to ensure that the ratio of the facts and figures of subjects are maintained in the painting. They understand the impact of color, light, highlight and shadow, and angle of view on a subject while drawing. They work on important details such as flesh tone and hair texture and are skilled in digital rendering of the face and other features wherever required. They apply complex isometric techniques to add perspective to design shapes. Illustrators create illustrations for a younger audience in the form of drawings in children’s books, for doctors and researchers in medical journals, scientific exhibits and other areas as per project requirements.

You can hire Portrait Illustrators to make unique pieces of artwork for digital and print publications. You can appoint freelance Portrait Illustrators from, one of the best online hiring websites. Before you hire a Professional, do ensure that the expert: -

  • Has creative skills to turn messages and ideas into appealing illustrations

  • Should meet quality standards under given deadlines

  • Can create complete illustrations by combining painting, hand-drawn and digitally created images

  • Should be able to refine image design using illustration software, knowledge on CAD software

  • Can enhance the design concept using a wide range of colors and graphics

  • Knows image editing and design software such as Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop

Qualification of Portrait Illustrator

  • Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts/ BSc Degree in Design, Visual Arts or its equivalent

  • Previous portfolio of completed illustrations

  • Previous work experience as an Illustrator, Graphic Designer, or other similar roles

  • Hands-on experience using Computer-Aided Design (CAD) software

Benefits of Hiring Portrait Illustrator

  • They will create Illustration that can get people to click on an article by getting attracted to the drawing related to the click.

  • They can impact your sales by making the reader/viewer buy the product by creating a lasting impression of the content through a unique drawing.

  • They will use Infographics to keep the audience engaged in the matter you have created and will use their artistic creativity in getting your important message across to your clientele.

  • They will use creative ways that will bring another dimension to your brand and will make it stand out by adding fun to your marketing campaigns or designing your brand’s logo.

Guru Tip:

When getting work done on Guru, the freelance marketplace platform of choice of 3 million Employers and Freelancers, you can hire multiple Freelancers for a job and assign them tasks individually in the WorkRoom. Get work done with security, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. 

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