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Hire Professional Freelance Press Release Writers

Press releases are official statements written for distribution to news media channels for providing information or making an announcement. They may be published on offline media such as newspapers or magazines, or on electronic media such as official news websites. Press releases generally provide noteworthy information about a well-known organization or person. They may contain details of a new product launch or information about appointment of a new CEO of a company. Sometimes, press releases are issued in order to inform the public of any noble or ignoble event such as mergers, acquisitions, accidents, and even legal suits. Generally, press releases are factual write-ups similar to news stories which report facts along with quotations of key individuals from the organization. If you are looking for press release writers for hire for your organization, you can opt for freelance services of experts on online hiring websites.

What Do Freelance Press Release Writers Do?

Freelance press release writers follow a very specific format for writing press releases. They work on  a certainbrief and compile an impersonal or factual news story. The press release methodically brings out the key points that are required to be disseminated among the masses. The best press release writers conduct interviews with key individuals in the organization to extract impactful quotations which can be embedded in the story. It is very important for a press release to be non-promotional in nature. So unlike newsletter writers, press release writers carefully edit their draft in order to make it as neutral as possible. Most press release writers have journalistic experience and some degree of industry-specific expertise which qualifies them to write with authority on a given subject.

If you are looking for expert press release writers for hire, you can connect with professionals on the top freelance websites. Before you do so, you need to ensure that the freelance press release writer:

  • Has a strong command over language and familiarity with various reporting styles

  • Should be able to identify key facts from the given brief and write a neutral, but compelling draft for publication

  • Has good interpersonal skills to be able to conduct interviews and derive relevant information for use in the press release

Qualifications of Freelance Press Release Writers

Expert press release writers can produce impactful articles for publication in various news and media channels. Here are some of the qualifications you should consider for hiring the best press release writers.

  • Professional education and training in journalism, media studies, literature, and communication

  • Knowledge of word processing tools such as Microsoft Office, Apple iWorks, and Open Office Suite

  • Extensive portfolio of several engaging press releases written for various clients

Benefits of Hiring Freelance Press Release Writers

  • Press releases provide a very convenient way of disseminating information among either mass media or niche media

  • Press release writers follow industry-specific format and journalistic guidelines to create non-promotional and non-technical write-ups

  • They also help you get your story covered by top media outlets ensuring maximum reach and visibility

Guru Tip:

SafePay provides payment protection on our online freelancing platform Guru. It is a shared account funded by the Employer before starting work. Once the SafePay is funded, Employers can feel secure that payment can be made once they are satisfied with the work.

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