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How QR Code Professionals Can Help You

Quick Response Codes, most commonly known as QR codes, are becoming increasingly prevalent in today's marketing and inventory management fields. They can be generated quickly, and are accessible in multiple forms of media. QR codes are found in print, but also in digital format as well; as they look like barcodes and can be scanned from and by mobile devices. They act similarly to barcodes, in that they store data related to identification; but QR codes harness far more than barcodes ever will. They store massive amounts of data, including (but not limited to) URLs, coordinates, text and images. With the ability to be distributed and accessed by anybody with a smart phone, QR codes have become one of the best ways to market a product of business. Marketing is no foreign trait when it comes to Guru.com freelancers; so don't hesitate to find the work you need.

I'm willing to be that you've seen at least one QR code today. These new barcodes on the block really pack a punch. Think social media - all these messages are being delivered in 140 characters or less. Today's day and age is all about instant gratification, and if you want to get your brand and product out there - QR codes are the way to go. They're easy to create, easy to program, and easy to scan for your target demographic. There's lots of emerging talent over at Guru.com that can build these codes for you quickly, and load them up with everything you want your audience to know.

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